We understand the individual(s) signing this application and the use group will be held responsible for all equipment, the general cleanliness of the area after use, and any damages other than normal wear and attrition of fixtures and equipment. If renting the Club House, the Individual signer(s) and the use group agree that nothing can be hung or attached to the walls of the clubhouse as this may affect all or a portion of the deposit. This responsibility also includes the turning off of all lights, except security lights.
We have been furnished a copy of the "House Rules", (scroll down below this application), agree to abide by them, and expressly understand and agree that a violation of them may be grounds for future refusal to rent. Please note that as of 2005, Lions Park is proud to be SMOKE FREE ZIONZVILLE. The entire grounds of Lions Park and our rental facilities are SMOKE FREE.
1) The Gazebo, Shelter House, or Club House shall be for the use of the public under House Rules adopted and available from the Zionsville Lions Club.
2) A reservation calendar will be scheduled annually in advance (from May through October for the Shelter House; year round for the Club House) with preference given to Lions' groups first and local non-profit groups second.
3) No organization will be allowed more than two regularly scheduled meetings per month.
4) No organization, group, or individual, except those sponsored by the Zionsville Lions Club will be allowed to use the gazebo for any type of activity for financial gain. (Exceptions to this rule will be governed by the House Rules Committee or the Building Chairman.)
5) The user will be required to sign a statement of responsibility as part of their application. A fee in advance will be required. If a janitor is required to clean and restore the premises to its original condition, the cost plus any related fees will be billed to the user's account.
6) The user is in charge and responsible for conduct of all persons in attendance and for damage incurred to facility or equipment during their tenure.
7) The user assumed all risk of loss, damage or injury to persons or property. The Zionsville Lions Club is thus released from all claims for such loss, damage, or injury sustained while the user is using the facility.
8) The premises will be promptly cleaned and restored to the original condition. All tables and equipment will be returned to the original position, the area must be cleaned and all trash and residue removed and deposited in the trash barrels located in the park.
9) Only temporary decorations allowed and no fastening materials can be used on the walls.
10) The Shelter House and Club House are available for use from 9 A.M. to Midnight and user is responsible to see that they are properly locked after use.
11) No alcoholic beverages may be consumed in the park. 12) Lions Park is proud to be SMOKE FREE ZIONZVILLE. The entire grounds of Lions Park , and our rental facilties are SMOKE FREE.
13) Any violation of house rules may be cause for future use refusal against the offending user group.
14) No outside user will be allowed to store equipment in the facilities.
15) Keys will be available to user from the Building Chairman to whom they shall be returned after use.
16) The Lions Board of Directors or House Rules Committee has the final unchallenged right to deny use of the Lions facilities to anyone without the necessity of explanation. This right can only be revoked by the Zionsville Lions Club Membership.
17) Any questions or exception not covered by the foregoing rules shall be determined by the House Rules Committee, whose decision is final.
18) The Lions Club will be the sole judge of the condition of the building and park.
By submitting this form I agree to the Zionsville Lions Club terms of agreement.