Lions Day of Service - 2017

Saturday, June 10, 2017 marked the Lions International Day of Service commemorating the one-hundredth anniversary of Lionism. Lions around the world engaged in service projects to help their communities to underscore the Lions motto; “We Serve.”. The Zionsville Lions Club chose to serve residents of the Zionsville Meadows Healthcare and Crawford Manor independent living facilities by hosting a morning of fun in the Lions Park gazebo. Twenty-five residents enjoyed bingo, bean bag toss, ice cream and cookies, rides around the park in a beautiful custom golf cart provided by ProCartz and some good conversation with local Lions and Leos volunteers. Twenty-two Lions and Leos volunteers enjoyed sharing one of Zionsville’s greatest assets, beautiful Lions Park. All of the guests were invited back for the summer concerts in the park series, which begins on Sunday, July 2nd and is held each Sunday evening in July.

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